Boat theft: cottage owners get a nasty shock

Spring time means getting boats, campers, trailers and motocycles ready for fun in the warm weather. That is, if it hasn’t been stolen. Unfortunately, many people are discovering that their recreational vehicles are missing from remote storage sheds, parking lots and cottages. Thieves have been hooking up and driven away with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of items this spring. In Sudbury, Ontario, cottage owners got an unpleasant surprise recently when they discovered their boat and trailer were stolen. The 2006 Mastercraft X2 wakeboard-style boat, all black with an orange tail and inboard motor, and black Eagle E21 boat trailer, is worth over $40,000.…/boat-theft-warren-cottage-owners-…

If you are a bot owner and you want avoid a similar scenario, you have to visit California Immobilizer.

At California Immobilizer we take boat trailer locks and security seriously. Here on the West Coast, boating is a lifestyle for thousands of our customers.

boat trailer security Sea Clamp 300x225All of our boat trailer locks and security products are made of high quality, heavy duty steel and powder coated to protect against salt water corrosion. In many jurisdictions boats and trailers are the easiest stolen vehicle types to ‘recycle’ back into the market for resale.

A boat trailer can be repainted and re-licensed as a ‘home built’ trailer, issued a new VIN or license number and sold. Boats can also be quickly repainted and issued a new VIN number with far less trouble than a typical car or truck. Thieves know this and are constantly on the prowl for a quick boat theft.

Boat trailer locks are critical for every boat owner who doesn’t want to be a victim!

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